Siwakorn's Web


|B`t||s`s is a form of "secret code" I made back in around 2021-2022. It had a few letters and special characters with their own functionality.

In this page, it will teach you how you can learn |B`t||s`s Code from start.

Part 1: The Basis

In the |B`t||s`s code, There are 10 letters and 4 special letters with link to IPA included:

Type Letters
e b t o s d f g h n
` ~ |

Special Characters Functionality

In each of the 4 special characters, they have their own functions (except " • ". Read the table below.) and it is easy to construct it.

Special Characters Functions

Character Details
Grave ( ` ) Lone Has a sound of [r]
Same Consonant infront and behind the grave (◌`◌) Creates a new consonant sound and one vowel sound
dt`ts (Mandatory) Has a sound of ⟨j⟩
Tilde ( ~ ) Lone Has a sound that is around [a]
Tilde infront and behind consonant (~◌~) Creates a new vowel sound
~e Makes an [ə] sound. (Sometimes replaced with "e")
Vertical Bar ( | ) General Has a sound of [i]
Single When placed in front, the sound will always land at the end of the word or infront of the letter "s"
Double When placed behind a letter, the sound will jump frontwards infront of the letter
Bullet ( • ) Has a sound of [l] and has no functionality

Two of the special characer can produce new sounds while the grave can produce more than the tilde.

This is the list of every new sound with the usage of special characters:

New Letter sounds

Character Details
Grave ( ` ) b`b Creates a ⟨p⟩ sound
t`t Creates a ⟨th⟩ sound
o`o Creates around an [u] sound
s`s Creates a ⟨sh⟩ or ⟨ch⟩ sound
f`f Creates a [v] sound
g`g Creates a ⟨k⟩ sound
n`n Creates a [m] sound
Tilde ( ~ ) ~e~ Makes around an [æ] sound
~o~ Makes around an [ɔ] sound
~e Makes an [ə] sound (Sometimes replaced with "e")

As above the table, there are 7 sounds for grave and only 2 sounds for tilde.

Part 2: Forming words or Encoding

Forming words is not based on how the actual word is spelt, but rather on how it is pronounced. By forming the words, you would need to know how the words sounded like and so you can spell it by the limitations of |B`t||s`s code.


You can start with any word, phrase or sentence you wanted. But I'll give you an example for how you can do it.

Let's start with a well-known panagram:

A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


This panagram is the earliest known appearance of the phrase was in The Boston Journal. In an article titled "Current Notes"

After choosing a sentence or phrase that you like to encode, write the pronounciation of the sentence on your note. This phrase would be written something like this:

A kh-u-ik br-awn fo-ks juh-m-ps o-ver th-uh
lei-zee dog

This will make it more easier to write the phrase using the limitations of the code. Now then, write the phrase again using the limitations of |B`t||s`s.

A khuig braun foks j[uh]mps ovr th[uh]
leizee dog


If the word ends with ⟨k⟩ and has another word following it, the end of the word will be replaced with 'g' or else it will ends with 'k`k'

For every letter in the pronounciation, it will be replaced with letters from the |B`t||s`s code as the following table below:

Language Letters
English a
l m
p th
r v
|B`t||s`s ~ e◌|| |...e
n`n o ~o~ b`b t`t g`g|o`o ` f`f

This will include only the important letters because it can be spelt using special characters and so. You can also spell it in other words you like to do.

After some trials and errors to spell out your words, you would have your words be done and have something like this:

~ g`go`og|| b`~o`on f~o~g`gs dt`ts~en`nb`bs of`f` t`te |•es| d~o~g

There hasn't been an actual documentation to spell 'ii' without any 's' at the back, so that mean that the '||||' is not yet a valid spelling for 'ii'. The only case that can actually spell the 'ee' is to spell it as 'e◌||' or '|...e' instead of '||||' because its the only spelling that is valid, and the pronounciation might not be the same as 'ee' but it's the closest to the English sound.

Placing '||' behind a grave with double consonant would cause the '||' will skip over the grave just as so. If the spelling is suspiciously the same as the '◌`◌' layout (which where the same letters are in front and back), there might be a Dot '.' to separate from the grave.

Placing '|' infront of 's' would make the '|s' turn into 'is'. You can only place the 'i' behind the 's' as 's|' to send the 'i' at the back.

Practing is best, it may not be the best for your brain. But, you could make a 'secret code' for you friends that they couldn't find out what the message is saying.

Part 3: Decoding

This is the hardest part on this lession of "|B`t||s`s Code" since it requires to read the code carefully. From Part 2, you would have to progress the code in reverse.

Letters to decode

Find a code from someone or something, then look through the letters in the code and write down what letter can it be. The code can be from somebody, or a post from an existing social media, or what were you have found the code.

I'll give you a very custom sentence I've encoded it freshly. It may be a bit long but you might get there eventually.

T`te`s ~e S|b`b~ s~e~b`bn|| |n`n~ |sent`!

Original by @!1066038956820541561

Look through the letters and the special characters in which how can they be as. You can write it on your note and write out the letters from the code by starting from special letters to avoid confusion, then add the letters in.

This is also a sound-based code since this code follows the sounds of the English words and is it not how the words were spelt.

Language Letters
~e b`b t`t o n`n ` ~
[uh] p th o m r a

It has been a struggling case for decoders whose going to decode into a proper English. Some words might look the same but may or may not spell the sam e in |B`t||s`s. You may have to becareful on whether the context of the message is since it's the only piece to find the actual word from the code that seem to spell the same in |B`t||s`s.

By now you might have your message written out as if it was in the limitations of the |B`t||s`s:

Thers [uh] Spai saepin' mai sentri!

Original by @!1066038956820541561

Now that you have your message decoded into the limitations of the |B`t||s`s Code, try to write them into an actual valid English words to complete the decoding of the code.

This head doesn't have anything much to say since I've used a short sentence for this head.

There's a Spy sappin' my sentry!

By @!1066038956820541561

And that will be your completed message after decoding the |B`t||s`s Message.

P.S. This page doesn't necessarily do anything special. It's just that I wanted to gave you how I made it and how you can learn it too.


Refrences used in this page:

  • Wikipedia: